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Welcome to Bluebell Class Webpage!

How do we show kindness to people and places?

Welcome to the Summer term in Bluebell Class!

I can't believe that the children are in their final term in Bluebell class!  They have had a brilliant year, but still have a third of it to go, so there is still a lot more for them to learn about and experience.  Hopefully the weather will improve and we will be able to get out and really enjoy our local area.

How do we show kindness to people and places?

This term we will be learning about our local area; the wildlife that we have around us and what we need to do to look after it and respect it.  We will be going on a school trip later in the term to Woods Mill, where the children will be doing a range of activities, including pond dipping and a badger walk.  We will also be going on a local 'Welly Walk' where the children will be able to get more acquainted with their locale and learn som early Geography skills.

Physical Development

Physical development is at the heart of everything that we do.  Be it getting ourselves dressed; writing our names or putting Unifix cubes together.  We will be developing our gross and fine motor skills by riding bikes, playing with playdough, colouring in, climbing, jumping and everything in between.  We will also be doing PE lessons once a week when the children will need to have their PE kit with them. Please do not buy plimsoles as they offer no support to your child's feet when they are doing PE.  A pair of Velcro trainers should be provided.    



Phonics and literacy

Phonics is where we learn how to read and write. The children in Bluebell are becoming quite expert at reading and writing, but it is a long journey to become fluent.  We do phonics daily and reinforce our learning at every opportunity.  We follow the Sounds Write program for phonics.  If you would like to find out more, please follow this link.

Sounds Write for parents and carers

All of the children have Reading Records and we change Home Readers on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Please ensure that you are reading with your child for at least 5 minutes EVERY DAY!  It makes a massive difference to their achievement and confidence.  As I'm sure you are aware, reading is the gateway to all learning and children who are read with regularly have the best life chances.

In our literacy lessons we will be reading a range of different stories and exploring how the characters feel and making predications about what might happen in the story.  

How to say the sounds the Sounds Write way

Example word building lesson

Parent Sounds-Write course


In maths this term we will be looking at numbers and what they mean.  

Understanding the World

We will be looking at how we are similar and how we are different.  We will also be exploring our school and the local vicinity.  We will be looking at the weather and the changing seasons.

Creative Development

We will be doing and artist study of Andy Goldsworthy and we will continue to develop our skills in observational drawing, whilst also exploring different mediums.

Please remember that much of our learning will take place outside and the external door will need to remain open in our indoor classroom to ensure ventilation.  As the weather starts to worsen, it would be great if you were able to send in a pair of wellies to keep in school.

If you have any queries or questions, then please feel free to have a chat with me at pick up or drop off.  Sometimes there may be more that you want to discuss in a more private space - we can arrange a meeting to do this. 

Please feel that you can contact me personally on the following email address;

Thank you for sending in your children so ready and eager for school!  I'm so looking forward to your child being in my class!

Mrs Price

Here are some useful websites you can use to support your child with learning when they are at home!

  • Twinkl
    A useful website containing a multitude of resources!

  • ICT Games
    A combination of online English and maths games

  • Phonics Bloom
    This website has several interactive phonics games. It also has a brilliant flash card 'time trial' which is a good way to 'warm up' your child before a phonics session.