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The intent of our PE curriculum is to ensure that all pupils leave the school physically literate with a desire to be active and the physical skills to be successfully active along with the resilience, communication and teamwork that is essential to their success.

The following three golden threads cover the National Curriculum aims and lead our curriculum:

  • Motor competence – knowledge of the range of movements that become increasingly sport and physical activity specific
  • Rules, strategies and tactics – knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities
  • Healthy participation – knowledge of safe and effective participation


This is implemented through:

  • The curriculum:
    • The focus of the curriculum in EYFS and KS1 is that all the children master the fundamental movements skills on which all subsequent sports and activities are based.  They also have the opportunity to work and compete as teams and so learn all the inter-personal skills that come with this.


    • In KS2 we aim to give the children the opportunity to experience a variety of sports and activities.  This is to allow them to develop their fundamental movement skills and ensure that when they move on to secondary school they have experienced the sports they will play and also for the children to find something they like and enjoy.  Our curriculum is also designed to work with the competitions and festivals calendar.
  • The competition and festival calendar and personal bests
  • Sport specific days, for example cricket, skipping
  • Leadership opportunities


We can measure the impact of our curriculum through the desire of the children to participate in lessons and the events we enter; also in the development and progress of their motor competency and participation in the games and activities played and created by them.  Additionally, their enjoyment and their understanding of the importance being physically active will be gained through observation and cross-curricular understanding demonstrated in subjects like Science. Peer and self-evaluation are also key elements in both assessing in PE and as a part of the metacognitive development opportunity afforded by PE.