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We aim to deliver a high-quality RSHE curriculum which helps give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives in order to become informed, active and responsible citizens. RSHE enhances and is enhanced by learning related to topics including anti-bullying; keeping safe on and off line; keeping physically and mentally healthy, learning about drugs, alcohol and tobacco; and the development of skills and attributes such as communication skills, managing peer pressure, risk management, resilience and decision making. The teaching and learning are informed by the West Sussex Education 4 Safeguarding materials and takes into account the local context and the needs of the children in the school. As with all subjects, each unit of study will have specific ‘sticky knowledge’ (the things we want the children to know or skills to be able to apply long term). These are guided by ‘Golden Threads’ that weave throughout all RSHE learning and they are: Relationships and Sex Education, Digital and Media Literacy, Physical Health and Wellbeing and Emotional Wellbeing.


RSHE will be provided through a combination of discrete curriculum time, teaching through and in other subjects/curriculum areas, enrichment activities and school events and through daily school assemblies. Lessons are based around cornerstones changed half-termly and are designed to foster respect for others, for diversity and education pupils about health relationships. The content is taught in mixed age classes unless the content is not appropriate for a particular year group.


Outcomes and understanding will be gauged from learner voice conferencing, quality of work produced and end of unit quizzes, along with ongoing formative assessment within and between lessons. The Curriculum Overview will be reviewed regularly (and adjusted if required) to take account of the changing needs of the school and the locality. Our Golden Threads will inform future planning to ensure children are given ample opportunities to build on prior learning and expand on their understanding of RSHE.