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Valuables and Lost Property

Lost property is a problem at school! Please ensure that all items of clothing and belongings are very clearly labelled, which will allow lost items to be returned to their owner should they be found. If labelled, items will usually be returned very quickly!

Items left at school are held for a limited time, and the children may look for their missing property in the their classrooms or the cloakroom. Please talk to your class teacher about missing property in the first instance.

We would prefer children not to bring cash to school unless absolutely necessary. If there is a need, money should be given to a teacher for safe-keeping. We cannot take responsibility for watches, jewellery or valuables and as a result discourage them from coming into school.

Children under limited circumstances may bring mobile phones into school, but as a general rule they are not needed.  The school office will be able to contact parents if needed as well as relay any messages from home to school.  If children do bring a mobile phone, it needs to be handed in to the school office at the beginning of the day for safe keeping.