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Admissions Policy

Admission Arrangements

The Admissions policy of St Mark’s CE Primary School is common to all community and voluntary controlled primary schools in West Sussex. This policy is outlined in a booklet entitled Information for Parents – Starting School, which is available on request from the admissions team (see below for contact details). Information can also be found on the WSCC Website. All requests for places, including those for children with disabilities, should be directed to the West Sussex Admissions Team:

Telephone: 0330 222 4059
Further details relating to admissions can we found on the West Sussex County Council website

The admission number for the School is 15 children each year. Due to the rural location, it is
unusual for the school to have enough children within the designated area so, where more
applications are made, places are allocated in priority as follows:-

1. Children who need a place at the School on exceptional and compelling social,
psychological or medical grounds OR children with a Statement of Special Educational
Needs naming the School OR Looked After Children (children in public care).

2. Children who live in the catchment area with brothers or sisters already attending the
School and who will still be there when the child starts (brothers or sisters may be half
or step-siblings but must be living permanently at the same address).


3. Other children in the catchment area.


4. Children who live outside the catchment area with brothers or sisters already attending
the School and who will still be there when the child starts (brothers or sisters may be
half or step-siblings but must be living permanently at the same address).


5. Other children who live outside the catchment area.
Parents will need to apply to the Admissions Office at County Hall North (see above address)
for a place at St Mark’s and are requested to inform the School of their intention.


Visits to the School are especially welcome. Please contact the School Secretary to make an appointment.

Church of England School
Recognising its historic foundation, the School preserves and develops its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church, at Parish and Diocesan level. The School aims to serve its community by providing education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers all its pupils.