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A very warm welcome to our Laurel page. Here you'll find termly updates of our curriculum projects, what we've been up to, how we're living out our school values and striving to be the change we want to see in the world!

This term we will be learning about the geographical features of mountains and ranges around the world. We will be linking this to an understanding of the role of risk-taking - good and bad - and it's impact on human history and behaviour.

In Spring 2 and Summer 1 we will be looking at the Geography of the Americas and comparing it to geographical aspects of the UK.

Thank you and enjoy! 

Spring Project: Nature's Giants - Mountains: Why do people take risks?






 SATs Revision Timetable


Key Stage 2 Grammar Glossary

  • nrich Maths link  - have a rummage in the Activities and Games and Thinking Mathematically


Curriculum Meeting Powerpoint

Key Stage 2 English Meeting

SATs Powerpoint From Parents' Meeting