A very warm welcome to our Laurel page. Here you'll find termly updates of our curriculum projects, what we've been up to, how we're living out our school values and striving to be the change we want to see in the world!
This term we will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in our project work. We will focus on themes of identity and reflect on how this is an island nation that has always been a place people have come to and settled in. We will also look at the early origins of Christianity and its pagan history.
Thank you and enjoy!
Autumn Project: Raid, Trade and Invade - The Britons, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Legacy: Where Do We Come From?
SATs Revision Timetable
Key Stage 2 Grammar Glossary
nrich Maths link - have a rummage in the Activities and Games and Thinking Mathematically
I'm going to attach a copy of the calculation policy for St. Mark's (and indeed the whole locality) - it is on the site but, this way, you don't have to hunt for it - so parents and carers can see what we do (it's how they learnt it at school when you get to Year 5 and 6). Also, the SATS revision document a bit lower down on the page has links to top tips on different areas of Maths.
Mr Holmes
Curriculum Meeting Powerpoint
Key Stage 2 English Meeting
SATs Powerpoint From Parents' Meeting
Year 6: Bitesize SATs RevisionPractise for your SATs with these activities in English, Maths and Science.