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Ofsted Inspections

Message sent to parents with March 2024 Ofsted report:

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am pleased to share our Ofsted report that we have received after the inspection on the 27th March.  I would like to thank you all for your support on the day of the inspection but also your ongoing support which we never take for granted. 

We are pleased that the inspectors recognised some of what makes St. Mark’s so special. 

On the day, the lead inspector asked me what our “Area for Improvement” should be as she hadn’t seen anything during the inspection and they have to have at least one area for the section “What does the school need to improve”.  We have been doing lots of staff training on specific subjects in order to ensure that our staff are as up to date as possible on all of the areas of the curriculum.  This year we have had Science, Music, French, Art and Design Technology subject specific training as well as Maths and English.  The inspector had commented in her feedback that this was strong and was helping our staff deliver even better lessons for our pupils.  I said that this could be the area for improvement as we are continuing this on a rolling programme with training on physical Computing (such as using micro:bits and raspberry piis) and Geography fieldwork planned for next year.  It was agreed that this would be included in our report as our area to continue to work on.  We are very proud of all we do at St. Mark’s and know that it gives the children here the best possible start to their education.

We hope you enjoy reading the report and I’m happy to chat about it to anyone who is interested in finding out more.

Many thanks,

Laura Kelsey
